2.1 Project types
The Interreg NPA programme supports different project types, which are described below. Please note that eligibility and selection criteria vary depending on the different project types. Besides this, additional expectations and requirements may be included in the Terms of Reference for the call.
2.1.1 Main projects
Main projects are the standard project type supported by the Interreg NPA programme to achieve the objectives of the programme. Main projects typically have a transnational partnership of between 5-7 partners, an average budget size of 1 500 000 EUR, and an implementation period of 3 years. Main projects are expected to develop concrete project outputs, such as jointly developed solutions, which have a positive impact on the project’s target groups.
Besides main projects, the Interreg NPA also supports different types of small-scale projects, all of which are handled as lump sums.
2.1.2 Preparatory projects to develop main projects
Preparatory projects are an important tool for development of strong and well-balanced project partnerships in a dispersed geography where long distances and costs are obstacles for project development. Preparatory projects bring potential project partners together to generate high-quality main project applications. Experience from previous programme periods has shown that preparatory projects often result in more successful main project applications. Typically, a preparatory project has a total budget of up to 100 000 EUR, and runs for 6-12 months.
Preparatory projects are expected to address their chosen specific objective with actions such as feasibility studies, stakeholder mapping, and recommendations with the purpose of developing project ideas, ideally concluding with the presentation of a main project application addressing a call for main project proposals
2.1.3 Small-scale projects for capacity building in Priority 3 (ISO 1)
The purpose of these small-scale projects is to strengthen the organisational capacity among NPA communities to make better use of cooperation opportunities, and thereby develop more resilient communities. This includes working with natural and cultural heritage to protect, promote and develop these important features for the programme area and developing wider territorial synergies and links to the benefits of the programme area.
This type of projects can also be a tool for building up capacity and experience for representatives of specific underrepresented groups (e.g. young people, and indigenous peoples) in relation to the Interreg NPA programme.
On the one hand, the ambition is that partners shall become better suited for engagement in main projects as partners in the future. On the other hand, these smaller projects might complement main projects and support the Programme to foster changes that are of importance for people living in the programme area. Typically, a Priority 3 capacity building project has a total budget of up to 200 000 EUR, and runs for 18 months.
2.1.4 Clustering projects
Clustering projects are a means of diversifying and capitalising on outputs and results from two or more previously implemented or ongoing projects. Clustering projects are a tool to further integrate results as well as disseminate their impacts by reaching a wider group of stakeholders with project outputs, supplementary learning, and capacity building. During 2014-2020, clustering of projects has been used both for combinations of projects inside the programme, but they have also allowed collaboration across programmes, in particular, Arctic clustering projects, in order to take advantage of synergies between projects funded by EU programmes in the Arctic. Typically, a clustering project has a total budget of up to 200 000 EUR, and runs for up to 12 months.
Besides the small-scale projects described above, the Monitoring Committee may decide on additional small project types on a call-by-call basis, for example, to further capitalise on project results.