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2.7 Project budget

The expected total budget size and duration for different project types in the NPA programme are displayed in the table below. All amounts are in Euros. Note: the total budget is the sum of the NPA co-financing, the partner contribution, and any external contribution to the project.


Table 7 - Budget size and duration per project type

Project type

Total budget size*


Main projects

More than 200 000 EUR. A main project has an average budget of 1 500 000 EUR.

Typically 3 years

Preparatory projects to develop main projects

Up to 50 000 EUR** for a 6-month preparatory project

Up to 100 000 EUR** for a 12-month preparatory project

Typically 6-12 months

Preparatory projects for capacity building in ISO1 (Priority 3)

Up to 200 000 EUR**

Typically 18 months

Clustering projects

Up to 200 000 EUR**

Typically up to 12 months

Other small-scale projects (to be decided by the MC)

Maximum 200 000 EUR**, but a smaller total budget can be set by the MC on a call-by-call basis.

To be decided by the MC

  • Total budget size is the sum of NPA co-financing, partner contribution and any external contribution.

** The support to the beneficiaries will be handled as a lump sum based on a draft budget established on a case-by-case basis and agreed ex ante by the Managing Authority. In some cases, the lump sums can be based on achievement at set milestones.

For all project types, maximum grant rates as described in table 2 (section 1.3 Programme funding) apply. The Interreg NPA grant is on condition of the partner’s own contribution or external public or private cash match funding confirmed through a partner statement form.

Tasks and activities should be shared as far as possible by dividing project expenditure between different partners in the project. No invoicing between partners for project activities is allowed.

In cases, where it is not possible to share tasks and activities proportionally between the partners, one project partner can carry the shared costs, including it as eligible expenditure in the individual project partner budget. The project partner in question will then receive a larger proportion of the Interreg NPA funding in the project. 

It should be noted that expenditure declared by beneficiaries in main projects will undergo checks by identified controllers. Financial control of project expenditure may incur a cost to the individual project partner being controlled and this needs to be budgeted for. The Lead Partner is responsible for setting up arrangements for management verifications regarding costs for partners outside the programme area, as described in section 2.2.

The project budget is to be entered in the application form in the electronic monitoring system Jems. Each project partner is to register expenditure divided per cost category and financing split into co-financing from the programme, the partners own contribution and/or any other public or private contribution.

An overview of the total project budget and details on the financial setup of the project is generated from the partner budgets, divided by cost category.

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