In order to be considered for funding from the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, each project application must fulfil a certain set of criteria. These criteria match the different stages of step 1 of the selection procedure, described in chapters 3.3 and 3.4.
Admissibility criteria focus on whether the application is complete and correctly filled in, whereas eligibility criteria focus on whether the project meets the minimum requirements for transnational cooperation to be considered for funding in the Interreg NPA. Quality criteria assess the strategic and operational quality of the application.
Table 9 – Admissibility and Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria |
Admissibility criteria |
The proposal must be submitted before the deadline set for a given application call. Obligatory annexes are signed and attached to the application form, such as Lead Partner and partner statements. The application package is in the required language, English. All applicable sections of the application form are correctly filled in. Information presented in the application form and in the annexes is consistent.
Project proposals failing to meet any of the requirements above will be deemed inadmissible, unless rectified within a set period. |
Eligibility criteria |
6. Project partnership meets minimum criteria for geographical coverage for the project type as outlined in the call Terms of Reference 7. The Lead partner is an eligible organisation. 8. All project partners are eligible organisations. 9. The project duration meets the criteria for the project type as outlined in the call Terms of Reference. 10. The project budget size meets the criteria for the project type as outlined in the call Terms of Reference. 11. The Lead Partner has selected the three mandatory cooperation criteria. 12. The project application adheres to the four initial horizontal principles. Project proposals failing to meet any of the requirements above will be deemed ineligible. |
Table 10 - Quality criteria
Quality criteria |
Strategic assessment criteria |
Project relevance The project addresses common territorial challenges of the programme or a joint asset of the programme area identified in the programme document - there is a real need for the project. The project clearly contributes to a wider strategy on one or more policy levels (EU / national / regional). The project will contribute to the achievement of programme’s objectives and indicators, and the contribution is realistic. The project makes use of available knowledge and builds on existing results and practices, whilst avoiding overlaps and replications. The project demonstrates new solutions that go beyond the existing practice in the sector/programme area/participating countries, or adapts and implements already developed solutions.
Cooperation character The importance of transnational cooperation for the topic addressed is clearly demonstrated. The project demonstrates a high level of transnationality and a strong transnational impact throughout the programme area. The results cannot (or only to some extent) be achieved without transnational cooperation.
Project intervention logic The project intervention logic is plausible. Project specific objectives are specific, realistic and achievable. Project outputs and results are needed to achieve the project specific objectives, and their contributions to programme indicators are realistic. Project outputs are durable (durability), and they are applicable and replicable by other organisations/regions/countries outside of the partnership (transferability) The project makes a positive contribution to the horizontal principles, in particular sustainable development, equal opportunities for men and women, non-discrimination and accessibility.
Partnership relevance The project involves the relevant actors needed to address the territorial challenge/joint asset and the objectives specified. With respect to the project’s objectives, the project partnership: is balanced with respect to the levels, sectors, territory consists of partners that complement each other is of a manageable and appropriate size
Partner organisations have proven experience and competence in the thematic field concerned, as well as the necessary capacity to implement the project All partners play a defined role in the partnership and the territory benefits from this cooperation.
Operational assessment criteria |
Work plan The work plan is realistic, consistent and coherent according to the project intervention logic. The distribution of tasks among partners is appropriate.
Communication Management Budget The project budget is used in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and complies with the eligibility rules of expenditure. Sufficient and reasonable resources are planned to ensure project implementation, and the proposal represents value-for-money.