4.4.2 Small-scale projects
The reporting on small scale projects handled as lump sums follows a different procedure than main projects.

Small-scale lump-sum projects reporting cycle
I. Project content report
Lump sum projects report only once at the end of the project. It is the Lead Partner’s responsibility to compile a project content report with supporting documentation for the activities (e.g. meeting minutes) and evidence for the lump sum deliverables, as well as a description of the final status of the project. After the end of the reporting period, projects have 3 months to submit a complete project content report.
At completion, small-scale projects will, as a minimum be asked to present:
Documentation of meetings: as a minimum an agenda and minutes for each meeting (physical or virtual). Optional: presentations, video recordings, etc. In case of public events organised by the project, an event report including an overview of the target groups reached.
Documentation of project specific deliverables outlined in the Grant Letter, such as user surveys, feasibility studies, stakeholder mappings, analyses, or other relevant documents.
In case of outputs and results, documentation supporting the achievement of indicators.
Documentation of how recommendations in the MC decision were followed up, where relevant.
Project partners are asked to carefully read the Grant Letter where conditions to be met will be outlined.
During the project implementation period, the JS may ask for a mid-term review meeting, to assess the status of the project implementation and offer support.
For lump sum projects, there is no request for underlying financial or procurement documents with a view to checking the amounts incurred and paid by the beneficiary, and no certification by controllers. In Jems, the lump sum reports will be fast-tracked, meaning that no project action is needed for the financial reporting.
II. Assessment of project content report
Joint Secretariat assessment of the project content report
The project content report will be assessed by the JS to check that all lump sum deliverables and other conditions to receive the lump sum outlined in the Grant Letter have been achieved.
A missing or unsatisfactory report could lead to a decision not to issue a lump sum payment or in the worst case a termination of the project, if conditions for support are not followed.
Managing Authority assessment of the project content report
The MA verifies that the JS has concluded that all conditions to receive the lump sum have been met. There is no analysis of project spending profile, value-for-money, or other budgetary matters.
III. Transfer of payment
The Managing Authority issues a Payment order
Payments to projects will only be made provided that the reporting fulfils the conditions stated in the Grant Letter.The Certifying function makes the payment to the Lead Partner
The amounts stated in the Payment order are transferred to the Lead Partner’s bank account, one transaction for each fund. A payment notification will be sent to the Lead Partner.The Lead Partner distributes the co-financing to the project partners
The Lead Partner is then responsible for distributing the received grant to the individual project partners in accordance with the partner budget and partnership agreement.