Complaints cover any dispute that applicants or beneficiaries may raise with regard to their submitted proposals or approved projects, as well as any dispute with third parties on the implementation of the programme or of the funded project.
Questions or complaints from applicants and beneficiaries regarding procedures, assessments and decisions in the programme shall in general be directed to, and handled by, the relevant programme bodies (MA/JS, MC, AA, National Controllers, the national second level audit body), as appropriate.
In relation to assessment of and decisions on project applications, project Lead Applicants are informed in writing about the reasons why an application was not eligible or approved.
Complaints about the assessment shall be submitted to the programme via e-mail, in English. The Lead Applicant shall clearly specify the complaint and include clear references to the relevant programme documents.
Any complaints in relation to the assessments will be examined and answered by the MA or JS. If needed, or in relation to complaints of a more principal character, the complaints may be directed to the MC chair, and should s/he judge it necessary, complaints may be referred to the MC to be examined.
The same complaint procedure as described above will also apply to other stages of the project implementation, such as the progress monitoring.
The possibility for appealing formal MA decisions is governed by the Swedish Code of Statutes. In decisions issued by the MA, beneficiaries are instructed on how possible appeals should be conducted.