Contracting templates
Partnership Agreement
The Partnership Agreement describes the rights and responsibilities of the partners.
This template serves as an example only. It must be negotiated between partners and tailored to the partnershipβs individual needs (incl. the annexes). The programme authorities cannot be held liable for the content nor for the use of this model. The project partnership remains fully responsible for the content of the project partnership agreement which cannot contain any provision contrary to the Grant Letter.
π HIT_project_partnership_agreement_temp.docx
Grant Letter
The Grant Letter is the document providing all the conditions under which a project is approved and emphasises the legal basis of the grant. It is issued by the Managing Authority (MA) to the Lead Partner, and sets the rights and obligations of the LP and the MA.
Partner withdrawal letter
Example of partner withdrawal letter in case of major project change.
π Example-Withdrawal-letter.docx
Closure letter
The Closure letter states the formal closure of a project and the legal obligations that need to be fulfilled after project closure. It is sent by the Managing Authority to the Lead Partner three weeks after the last project payment.
π NPA Closure Letter_Prep_Project_304-XXX-202X.docx
π NPA Closure Letter_Main_Project_304-XXX-202X.docx