This chapter explains the EU and programme publicity requirements, as well as reporting on communication.
General approach to communication
The programme aims to create an interactive exchange that will make the communication more relevant, and that increases the ownership of the programme and its results, optimising the use of limited resources. For this reason, it will support projects with templates, guidance and a community space for exchange, as well as facilitating synergies and networking.
The programme promotes sustainable communication e.g. limit printed materials and use of give-aways.
The programme promotes accessibility, meaning easy to understand communication, made available in multiple formats so that all users have equal access.
4.6.1 EU Publicity requirements
All projects that receive European funding must comply with the publicity requirements stipulated in the European regulations. This applies to all types of projects supported by the Interreg NPA: Main, Preparatory, Clustering or other Small-scale types of projects.
The requirements apply to all project partners who are responsible for informing the public about the EU funding received from the Interreg NPA. Publicity requirements apply to all printed and digital material/products, websites, social media, activities and events.
Click here to watch a short tutorial about the EU Publicity requirements.
1. Displaying of the combined programme/project logo in a visible manner on all project related materials
The combined programme/project logo includes the European emblem, the word Interreg, the cofounding statement, the programme name and the project name.
All project partners should use the combined logo in a visible manner on documents and communications material relating to the implementation of the project.
The combined logo exists in different versions and file formats. Guidance on the use of the logo and the template design files are provided by the programme to the approved projects.
General rules on the use of the combined logo:
The logo must be visible and prominently featured.
If additional logos are displayed, the flag must be of at least the same height or width as the largest of the other logos.
Nothing can be changed or modified in this logo beyond what is foreseen in the guidance.
The logo is surrounded by a clear space area that defines the minimum distance to other elements such as other logos, pictures, texts or any other design elements.
The logo cannot be altered, the name of the programme cannot be moved closer, it cannot be squeezed or stretched.
Example of a Word project document meeting the mandatory requirements. The word Acronym in this document can be replaced with the actual project acronym directly in the file.
📁Programme-project logo In this zip folder you will find the design file format of the combined programme-project logo. Please update it with your project acronym and create the standard file formats to be used by the partners e.g. JPG or PNG. Please be aware that you might need different colour versions of the logtype, in case of use on different backgrounds ref. design guidance.
📁Programme logo This is the programme logo, without the project acronym. The zip file contains all file formats and colour versions, you can use this as a reference for developing your own colour versions of the combined logo.
2. Providing on the partner’s official website or social media sites, a short description of the project;
All project partners must publish information about funding from Interreg NPA on their official website or social media sites, if such exist. This should include:
the combined logo,
a short description of the project, its aims and results
the financial support received from Interreg NPA.
This is static information that should be available at least during the entire duration of the project.
3. Publicly displaying at least one poster of a minimum size A3 or equivalent electronic display, with information about the project and programme.
All project partners must, during the project duration, publicly display at their location at least one poster with information about the Interreg NPA funding. This must be a printed poster of a minimum A3 size or equivalent electronic display. The Interreg NPA programme provides a template in landscape and a portrait format to approved projects.
The poster can be published in languages other than English.
📁Project poster template In this zip folder you will find the 3 Word templates for the project poster (one for each priority) in portrait and landscape format, as well as instructions to complete it.
Note: Failure to comply with publicity requirements despite having received guidance from the Managing Authority and where remedial actions have not been put into place can lead to cuts in funding!
4.6.2 Interreg NPA communication requirements
As mentioned in Chapter 2.5 of the Programme Manual, all projectsexcept Preparatory projects are expected to develop a set of communication products.
In addition, projects are expected to budget for mandatory attendance at events organised by the Programme.
Document retention rules also apply to project communication materials.
The Interreg NPA communication requirements are:
1. Maintaining and updating the project information online
All approved projects will be included in the online project database and Main projects have an own mini-website hosted on the programmes website.
The purpose of the project mini-websites is to offer a standard and resource efficient solution to all Interreg NPA projects. It will be the responsibility of the project to populate and keep the information regularly updated.
Each mini-website will include as a minimum: general information about the project (aim and achievements), news & events, resources, partners contacts.
It is the programme intention that the mini-website can be customised and edited directly by the project communication managers. Guidance and further information is available here.
2. Produce at least 2 media products outlining the project’s vision and achieved results
Each main project should produce at least two communication products: one at the beginning of the project outlining the vision and objectives, and one at the end of the project presenting the results and how the transnational cooperation project has impacted the life of the target groups and citizens. The purpose of the products is to raise awareness about the project.
The products should target a non-experienced audience. They should be informative and easy to read texts. It is recommended to make use of storytelling technics for an effective communication. Simple guidance how to write a good story is available from - Project storytelling
Word template storytelling.docx ). Each project can choose the preferred format e.g. power point, video, infographic, news article, etc.
The programme may share this product with other institutions such as the European Commissions, Members of the Monitoring Committee and others, when requested to provide examples of Interreg NPA projects in a specific areas or sectors e.g. for Commissioner’s visit, documentation, etc.
3. Organising activities, events and any other relevant initiatives to ensure the engagement of relevant target groups across all participating countries and partners
The direct engagement of target groups (stakeholders and or end users) is key to the successful delivery of Interreg projects.
Each project is expected to have thorough knowledge of their target groups and a good plan of activities to involve them in the project at the relevant levels e.g. partners, regional, programme area, local/national/European institutions, etc.
This information is described in the Application Form work plan and will be monitored throughout project implementation in the Project reports. Please be aware that engagement activities and their outcomes may need to be documented, especially when necessary to evidence the achievement of output and result indicators.
4. Attending NPA events during the project lifetime
The Lead Partners and partners of Interreg NPA projects are expected to attend NPA events.
The programme may ask the project representatives to present their project, results and achievements at the NPA events and/or at other relevant events.
Optional - Participation in EU and Arctic events and campaigns
The programme supports the participation of Interreg NPA projects to European and Arctic thematic events, competitions and campaigns. Participation to these events increases visibility of the projects and their results, fosters networking and creates new opportunities.
Participation in these events is an eligible cost to the project when relevant to the project objectives.
5. Have a social media presence
It is expected that projects have a social media presence, however since different countries favour different platforms and languages, the partnership shall decide what is the most suitable solution for the purposes of the project.
The project communication manager shall inform the programme communication manager of the chosen platform and language.
The project communication guidance includes instructions how to meet the mandatory requirements in the social media profile(s).
4.6.3 Reporting communication activities and results
Upon project approval, the project communication manager should be appointed, and its contacts added to the contact section of the monitoring system Jems.
The NPA Communication Manager will share the guidance materials and templates with the Lead Partners and project communication managers at the 1st lead Partner Seminar and/or via an online platform e.g. Basecamp. It is the responsibility of the Lead Partner to share this information with the partners.
Progress on communication activities and the mandatory publicity requirements is monitored through the Partner and Project Reports where relevant communication materials are to be uploaded and progress towards the communication objectives described. Main Projects are expected to complete and submit the Communication checklist at least with the 1st project report.
Throughout the project lifetime, it is highly recommended to keep the NPA Communication Manager, timely updated with news and events from the project. News and events from the projects should be published directly on the project mini-website and will also appear on the programme main news feed.
4.6.4 Communication Guidance and templates
The project design guide, the programme and project logo as well as all communication templates are available in the Download centre.