6.2 Result indicator definitions and documentation
The definitions below are drawn from the Commission Staff Working Document[1] accompanying the indicators listed in Annex II of ERDF Regulation (EU) 2021/1058, describing the full methodology.
RESULT INDICATOR | Definition | Minimum requirements for documentation |
Interreg common result indicators |
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RCR 79 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations | The indicator counts the number of joint strategies and action plans (not individual actions) adopted and implemented by organisations during or after the project completion. At the time of reporting this indicator, the implementation of the joint strategy or action plan need not to be completed but effectively started. The organisations involved in take-up may or may not be direct participants in the supported project. It is not necessary that all actions identified are taken-up for a strategy/action plan to be counted in this context. The value reported should be equal to or less than the value for "RCO83 Strategies and action plans jointly developed". |
RCR 104 - Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations | The indicator counts the number of solutions, other than legal or administrative solutions, that are developed by supported projects and are taken up or upscaled during the implementation of the project or within one year after project completion. The organisation adopting the solutions developed by the project may or may not be a participant in the project. The uptake / up-scaling should be documented by the adopting organisations in, for instance, strategies, action plans etc. |
ERDF common result indicators - thematic |
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RCR 03 - SMEs introducing product or process innovation | Number of SMEs introducing product or process innovation due to the support provided. The indicator covers also micro enterprises. Product innovation is the market introduction of a new or significantly improved good or service with respect to its capabilities, user friendliness, components or sub-systems. Process innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production process, distribution method, or supporting activity. Product or process innovations must be new to the enterprise supported, but they do not need to be new to the market. The innovations could have been originally developed by the supported enterprises or by other enterprises or organisations. For enterprise definition - see RCO01 |
RCR 04 - SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovation | Number of SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovation due to the support provided. The indicator covers also micro enterprises. Marketing innovation is the implementation of a new marketing concept or strategy that differs significantly from the enterprise's existing marketing methods and which has not been used before. It requires significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing. The indicator does not cover seasonal, regular or other routine changes in marketing methods. Organisational innovation is a new organisational method in the enterprise's business practices (including knowledge management). The organisational innovation must be the result of strategic decisions by the management and implemented with the support of the project. The indicator does not cover mergers or acquisitions. even if for the first time. (see COM 2014 in references) For enterprise definition - see RCO01 |
RCR 11 - Users of new and upgraded public digital services, products and processes | Annual number of users of the digital public services, products and processes newly developed or significantly upgraded. Significant upgrades cover only new functionalities. The indicator has a baseline 0 only if the digital service, product or process is new. Users refer to the clients of the public services and products newly developed or upgraded, and to the staff of the public institution using the digital processes newly developed or significantly upgraded.
If individual users cannot be identified, the same client / person using an online service several times over the year is not considered double counting. |
[1] Commission Staff Working Document SWD(2021)198: Performance, monitoring and evaluation of the European Regional Development Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the Just Transition Fund in 2021-2027 Link